Don’t drive in Yerevan

This is a warning to anyone living or visiting Yerevan to refrain from driving, at least for the time being. Due to the numerous road construction projects and generally poor roads operating a motor vehicle has become very hazardous with cars passing one another indiscriminately and causing near life-threatening accidents. I was unfortunately a party to two instances of road rage today, since everyone is in a hurry to go nowhere. Just minutes ago one car passed dangerously close beside me evidently irate and driving to endanger. It is a fact that most motorists on the road today obtain their driver’s licenses by paying a bribe, without passing any tests to prove they are capable of being able to drive. As a result you have insane numbers of drivers operating their vehicles nearly out of control. I for one am going to start taking a taxi to where I work in Arabkir every morning because it is not worth wasting my nerves or my safety driving on these roads. I’ve had it.


Arshakadelic said…
The taxi cabs drive in the same conditions. How can that be any safer for you?
Anonymous said…
I told you that two years ago.
Walking across the street is worse.
Nothing has changed.

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