'Notes From Hairenik' Is 3 Years Old!

On this date in November 2004 "Notes From Hairenik" was born. It was one of the first blogs to be published from Armenia, with only a few others in existence at that time. I was encouraged by a friend to start a blog during a period when one was certainly needed to document the viewpoints and experiences of a diasporan Armenian living in the homeland. Quite honestly, I was a bit clueless as to what a blog was at the time--it was before the blogging revolution actually started less than a year later. They were commonly known as Web logs then.

"Notes From Hairenik" is still going strong as a blog published from Armenia, discussing social, cultural, personal and, less frequently now, political themes. I am overwhelmingly grateful to everyone who fancies visiting this blog from time to time; it's much appreciated since it is written for you in the first place. Please continue reading future entries and leave your comments, which are always welcome.



Mediapitek said…
Congrats! It's one of my favorite blogs! :))) Keep writing!
Unknown said…
Congrats, I second the above sentiment :-)
Anonymous said…
Congratulations! I don't remember when I started reading your blog, but it must have been pretty soon after you started. I hope you're not thinking of quitting anytime soon!

Come to think of it, I also started blogging about three years ago, as I started just before I moved here. And that will be three years ago on December 1st.
Hakop said…
Thanks CG. I really enjoy reading this blog. Don't stop, as this is probably one of a few no-bones journals around.
Ara said…
In person and in the blog, it's the same Garbis. Keep up the great logs!
Anonymous said…
Reading "Notes From Hairenik" is always an interesting experience. Keep up the fine work, Garo!
Anonymous said…
To think, I knew you all those years ago before your celebrity had taken hold! ;)
Big Ideas said…
Hope to be reading for many more years to come. (Sorry for the late post)

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